Looks vs. Personality: Which Will Help You Win a Woman’s Heart?
Have you ever wondered if women date you only because you look like Timothée Chalamet?
Or simply because you make them laugh until their stomach hurts?
Of course, we all have our own personal dating preferences. But social standards keep changing.
Perhaps in the past, Elvis Presley was every woman’s ideal man. But today, women swoon over K-pop idols like Jungkook from BTS.
Elvis, a.k.a. Rockabilly Rebel, had a mature, masculine look — beard leather jackets, and all. While Jungkook exemplifies the young, masculine-with-a-touch-of-feminine-look using make-up and “girly” colors like pink.
In terms of personality, many women are attracted to the mysterious and quiet aura of men like James Dean. But today, funny guys like Pete Davidson quickly catch the girls’ attention.
Why is this so?
There are concepts known as Inner and Outer beauties.
We refer to outer beauty (a.k.a. looks) as a person’s outward appearance,
and inner beauty (a.k.a. personality) as a person’s attitude and character.
Outer Beauty
Your physical appearance is the first thing people notice in dating. How you look creates the first impression.
Of course, not everyone is genetically blessed with god-like physical features. Many struggle with looks and seek to have a “glow up.”
You should pay attention to what you eat and exercise regularly. Not only does it keep you looking good, but it also helps build up muscles and strengthen your immune system.
As a man who wants to impress his woman, try getting yourself into shape. Get fit and stay that way!
However, plenty of physically unattractive men have no problem attracting women. So, if having good looks isn’t enough to get a date, what else do you need?
For starters, you must be able to converse well and keep her interested. It’s here that your personality shines.
Inner Beauty
Many women don’t solely care about looks. A man’s personality is more important to them.
Being confident is something that girls find attractive. They like a man who can carry himself well.
A confident man doesn’t let himself get caught up in superficial things in life. He knows he’s a great person and just gets on with doing what needs to be done without worry.
Many believe being handsome makes it easier for them to pick up women. But a woman is more likely to go out with you if she likes your personality.
Which should you focus on developing?
A combination of both
Do you know how they say that beauty is only skin deep?
Well, it’s true! Personality makes us who we are and takes us further in life than our physical appearance. But that doesn’t mean we can fully neglect the way we dress and take care of our bodies.
According to a study done at University College London, you’re 50% more likely to get along with someone if you have similar interests and characteristics. However, good-looking people are still more likely to garner girls’ attention than their less handsome counterparts.
Good looks and a charismatic personality are a killer combination when getting a date.
So focus on having neat hair, clean teeth, and smelling good. Don’t forget about your smile and positive body language.
Next, try bringing out your sense of humor. That’ll make your date laugh and relax. Focus on making yourself seem friendly and likable to everyone you meet.
Have a balanced approach to dating. That’s the way to get quality dates.